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Numărul 3 /2008:
70 de pagini scrise de profesionişti, în noua ediţie a Revistei Române de Jurnalism şi Comunicare.

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Nr. 3 / 2008

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Sursele de informare în presa economicã. Studiu de caz: Bussiness Standard, Capital, Ziarul Financiar
Sources of Information for Business Newspapers. Case analysis: Business Standard, Capital, Ziarul Financiar
In business journalism, sources of information represent a major challenge in the process of attracting and maintaining the audience. Our research is meant to identify the most important sources of information of the Romanian business titles. The research is based on a quantitative research applied to the three most important Romanian business
Keywords: Sourse, business newspapers, media, research, business journalism.

Jurnalism ecumenic. Particularităţi ale discursului radiofonic creştin
Gabriela Rusu-PĂSĂRIN

Ecumenical Journalism Particularities of the Christian Radio Discourse
This presentation deals with an area of journalism (oral transmission) that is impressively ancient and, until the development of specialised radio programmes, benefited from an intermediary means of transmission and promotion: radiofication, amplification. The construction of the Christian radio message is based on the symbiotic relationship between the theological, catechetic and homiletic fundaments characteristic of the Christian discourse and the principles of lay radio communication “The religious radio message – socio-cultural functions and effects” is the purpose of our presentation.
Keywords: Catechetics, homiletics and the Christian radio discourse, radio messages. The love of God and of people – the core of Christian and radio messages.


Interviu cu prof. James Grunig

Povestea merge mai departe, o campanie "înşelătoare"
The story goes on, a deceiving campaign
The article analyses the campaign that Timisoreana developed with the slogan The story  goes on and insists on the argumentative structure of the advertisments that were part of this campaign. The descriptive analysis of the commercials, together with their argumentative schemes show that the arguments used in order to sustain the product do not say anything regarding this beer’s quality. The article proves that a significant cause of the efficiency that the campaign had is the usage of a series of fallacious arguments.
Keywords: advertising, argumentation, beer, analysing, publicity.


Internetul în viaţa adolescenţilor din Bucureşti: acces, pattern-uri şi competenţe în utilizare
The Internet in the life of Bucharest’s teenagers: access, patterns and competences of utilization
This paper is part of a larger research, carried out in 2007, on the social and cultural impact of the Internet on teenagers and youngsters in Romania. The study starts form the concept of ‘computer mediated communication’ (CMC), from the J. Thompson typology of human interactions (1995), as well as from the theoretical perspective drawn by A. Feenberg through the ‘critical theory of technology’ (1991, 1999). The overall research did have numerous general and specific objectives, whereas in this paper I am expressively dealing with two of these: Identifying the extent to which this group of population has access to the Internet and which are the characteristics of this access; and outlining a framework of the youngsters’ uses of the Internet and of the place of the “consume” of the Internet within the general mass media consume, on the one hand, and within the practices of interpersonal communication, on the other hand. Dealing with these objectives, the paper presents data and relevant conclusions regarding the fast evolution of the Internet access practices, as well as regarding the ways in which the Internet has entered in the “rituals” of the quotidian life of the adolescents, who naturally approach the new medium.
Keywords: Internet; teenagers; computer mediated communication; access; uses.

Le journalisme: transformations et dispersion
Jean-François TÉTU
Le journalisme: transformations et dispersion
L’importance du journalisme dans le monde social vient de ce qu’il a été depuis deux siècles au moins en position de monopole sur la production et la diffusion des événements qui peuvent avoir une influence sur toute la société. Et l’image du journaliste, critiqué, envié, imité, lui vient de sa compétence supposée à «savoir» et à «faire savoir». Cette aptitude à construire et à diffuser ce savoir sur le monde contemporain est désormais contesté de toutes parts, par les acteurs économiques et politiques qui produisent leurs propres médias, par les lecteurs/ téléspecteurs et leurs «blogs», et enfin par d’autres acteurs des industries culturelles.
journal, journaliste, journalisme.

Imaginea alterităţii în comunicarea virtualã. Analiza discursului de pe Internet
Paul KUN
The image of the other in virtual communication. Internet discourses analysis
The main purpose of this study is to analyse the manner in which the impact of journalistis comments expresses in the virtual communication and, especially the manner in which the reader “translates” the information and expresses his own representation on the event. The study presents the discourse anlysis of the manner in which Romanian press (particularly Cotidianul) presented an event (Romulus Mailat case) and the reactions of the people opn the formum within the nespapers’s website.
Key word: virtual communication, discourse anlysis, website

Destinul imigranţilor canadieni în mass-media (II)
Canadian Immigration Destiny in the Media (II)
This survey is devoted to the immigration phenomenon in Canada. The research was done through the observation method and the media monitoring and mainly concerns the Romanians in Ontario and Quebec, where the largest communities are to be found. The article presents phenomena such as unemployment, the federal system of immigrants’ selection, the immigrants’ social and economic integration, the factors that stimulate labour migration, the covering of these processes by Canadian media.
immigration, poverty, careers, incomes, integration, Canada.

Practicile discursive aferente situaţiei de comunicare în presa românească a anilor ’80-’90
Luminiţa ROŞCA
The discursive practices related to the communication situations encountered in the Romanian media of the ’80 and ’90
In order to define the textuality Beaugande and Dressler (1981) referred to 7 parameters, divided in two categories: situational determinations (situationality, informativitaty, the purposefulness and acceptability) and pragmalinguistic determinations (the coherence, the intertextuality, the cohesion). Following the model of Beugrande and Dressler, in
this paper I analyzed texts from the Romanian press of the ’80 and ’90, in order to emphasize how the communication situation (situationality) determined the apparition and the assuming of the information discourse by the Romanian media, after December 1989. Considering only one of the above mentioned parameters – the communication situation – I analyzed news from the Romanian communist newspapers (Scînteia, Scînteia tineretului and România liberã) and from the post-commu- nist Romanian newspapers (Adevãrul, Tineretul liber, România liberã and Evenimentul zilei). The paper stands out the textual, linguistic and pragmatic mechanisms of the totalitarian discourse. It also stands out if and how the free media assumed these mechanisms after 1989. The pragmatic analysis of the discursive and professional practices of the Romanian media determined by specific situations, enables a shaded comprehension of the transition from a controlled and full of ideology media to a free media. The aspects regarding the ideology and – related to these aspects -the historical and political framework (the events that took place in and out Romania at that time) are the main elements of the analysis.
Keywords: communication contract (communication contract’s negotiation), press event, expectations, propaganda’s mechanisms, communication situation (situationality).


Presa de dumincă din Tulcea. Reviste umoristice de la începutul secolului XX
Sunday’s Press in Tulcea. Entertainment press from the beginning of the XXth century
Exemplifying – trough the quality of the humour – for Tulcea’s entertainment press there are some magazines, Ridiculous funny (14 dec. 1909 – 10 oct. 1910) and The Pepper (sept. 1914 – jan. 1916). Both publications run by the same director (signing with the knickname Spoillingink) have the same price (10 bani) and the same aim (entertaining readers). Both director and contributors have good sense of humour, catching in their articles  the vices of Dobrodgea’s  society which they critycise with “a smile on the face”.
: media, humour, entertainment press, analyse.

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