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Nr. 1 / 2007

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Portretul socio-profesional al jurnalistului din Republica Moldova
Natalia VASILENDIUC, doctorand, Universitatea din Bucureşti
The socio-professional portrait of the journalist in Republic of Moldavia
This study analyses the social-professional characteristics, such as incomes, gender factor, professional motivations, affiliations to political parties and professional organizations, of the Moldovan journalists from the perspective of thirty-seven practitioners working in twenty-six media from Republic of Moldova.  The results of the research show that presently there are two distinct generations of journalists activating in Republic of Moldova, which represent two distinct professional subcultures: Soviet journalists (who entered the profession before 1991) and post-Soviet journalists (who began their activity after 1991). The Soviet generation of journalists is formed by practitioners, who continue to maintain the conservative vision of the communist journalism, considering that collaborating with the state power is a normal fact, while the post-Soviet generation of journalists is formed by persons which promote both the Western press model and professional competition, but neglect the ethical and creative aspects of the field.
Key words:
Soviet journalists, post-Soviet journalists, state, Western press model

Fac „babele” audienţă în România? Determinanţi culturali pentru succesul programelor de televiziune neficţionale
Asist. univ. drd. Raluca RADU, F.J.S.C., Universitatea din Bucureşti
Does an „old hag” raise the rating? Cultural influences and the success of reality based TV shows
Cultural studies research showed that the same cultural product is consumed differently, depending on the culture of reference a public is tied to. There studies were done on fictions, like the Dallas series. This paper will try to show if the cultural differences can explain the success or the failure of a given format, other than fiction, in a given cultural space. The author will use two reality based entertainment cultural products, presented by the same television, in the same week, at the same hour ,  Din dragoste, a people-show /  Ziua judecatii, a TV game show.
Key words
:  talk show, game show, cultural differences, interaction, social change


Repere etnopsihologice în comunicare
Asist. univ. dr. Violeta Elena POPA, Universitatea din Bacău
Ethnopsichological references in communication
From ancient times to the present, people have sought to understand and create their identities both as individuals and as groups. This important quest cannot be done without communication and by this means, people not only define who they are, but also who they are not. The specialists in PR, journalism, advertising, marketing etc. could benefit from this kind of ethno psychological research and adapt their strategies from region to region or from country to country, hence achieving a greater degree of efficiency in their work.
Key words:
research, tradition, public, communication

Comportamentul de consum media al românilor în context european pentru succesul programelor de televiziune neficţionale
Delia Cristina BALABAN, lect. dr., Facultatea de Ştiinţe Politice Administrative şi ale Comunicării, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
The media consumer behaviour of Romanians in a European context for the success of nonfictional TV programmmes       
Media use habits are analyzed especially with the help of the uses and gratifications approach. The article presents in order to explain the media use in the Romanian society nowadays further theoretical frameworks developed more ore less starting from uses and gratifications, such as the model of Rosengren and that of Meyen. Comparative studies in Europe regarding the development and the use of the press will be also presented. One of the most relevant studies from a structural perspective is the work of Karl Erik Gustafsson and Lennart Weibull, European Newspaper Readership: Structure and Development. Like Spanish, Portuguese or Greek media consumers, the Romanian ones tend to prefer the intensive use of television and not that of the newspapers. The elements that will be taken into consideration on this article in order to find out the cause of this behavior will be structural art such as historical development of the media, the political and the economic system, cultural aspects like traditions.
Key words: media use, behavior, system, traditions


Diversité communicationnelle et sociale en Roumanie pendant la Transition, Valentina MARINESCU, Ph. D., Universite de Bucharest
Diversité communicationnelle et sociale en Roumanie pendant la Transition
En Roumanie, tout au long des dernières seize années, le dévelopment du système de la presse écrite eut son début dans les prévisions légales de nature économique, pendant que „le marché des titres de presse” ne fut, en fait, que le premier des domaines où se manifestèrent les phénomènes particuliers à l’économie du marché : la privatisation, l’actionnariat, les grèves, les restructurations, la faillite, les fusions et les divisions.
: la communication,  la société, recherche, transition, media.

Resetarea culturală a societăţii româneşti, în vederea integrării ei în spaţiul de civilizaţie al Uniunii Europene
Dumitru BORŢUN, conf. dr., Facultatea de Comunicare şi Relaţii Publice, S.N.S.P.A. Bucureşti
The cultural changes in Romanian society in view of its integration in the civilisation area  of the European Union
The prevaling cultural models in the Romanian society are of rural origin, namely pre-modern; they command perceptions, representations, attitudes and behaviours that serve the harmonic (nonconflictual) integration in the civilisation area of the European Union, a process which would equal the completion of modernisation.  In order to meet this challenge, the cultural resetting of the Romanian society is necessary, precisely in the sense in which we reset a computer whose software is obsolete. In our vision, this software can be understood and transformed by means of the “paradigm” concept, borrowed from science phylosophy. Mutadis mutandis, we shall use the concept of “cultural paradigm”. The cultural paradigm is a constellation of beliefs, values, techniques of formulating problems and solution methods, shared at a given moment by the members of a community. It is based on a few tacit presuppositions which govern the subject’s thought, language and actions. Since it is not conscious, the paradigm exhibits an almost biological resistance to changes. Therefore, the change of the paradigm can only be made through  “tacit learning”.  In the Romanian society, the only solution is to use tacit communication within communication campaigns that would not state their objectives, but would instead lead to the change of the present paradigm. A pre-condition for success is knowledge on the paradigmatic presu-ppositions in the Romanian society today, which are provided thorugh sociological research at national scale, carried out by a speacialty institute. After completing the project, the author will suggest the government, through the ministry of education and research, a set of communication campaigns with a sole purpose: to render the value orientation, the population’s atitudes and behaviours suitable to the present public interest – the modernisation of the Romanian society and, as a natural consequence, the harmonic integration of Romania into the EU.
Key words:
cultural paradigm, tacit learning, tacit communication


19th Century Illustrated Periodicals as International Means of Communication, Michèle MARTIN, Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Carleton University, Canada
19th Century Illustrated Periodicals as International Means of Communication
The paper focuses on the role and contribution of the illustrated press in the development of international networks of communication, and more particularly with the following points: a brief historical account of the formation of 19th century international networks among some illustrated periodicals; an examination of the particular structure of the process of production of these papers which affected these net- works; a description of the diffusion of similar engravings in some publications coming from various countries; and finally a discussion on the divergent forms that this process took and of some consequences that resulted from it. To do that, the author examines the twelve following periodicals: L’illustration (1843),  Le Monde illustré (1857),  L’Univers illustré (1858) and  Le Journal illustré (1864) from Paris;  Die Illustrirte Zeitung (1843) from Leipzig; Harper’ s Weekly (1850) from New York; The Illustrated London News (1842), The Illustrated Times (1855) and The Graphic (1869) from London; L’Illustrazione Popolare (1869) from Milan; and The Canadian Illustrated News (1869) and L’Opinion publique (1870) from Montreal.
Key words:
illustrated press, international networks, illustrated periodicals

Întâmplări cu ziarişti morţi şi răniţi - o istorie a agresiunilor din presă,
Marian PETCU, conf. univ. dr. , F.J.S.C., Universitatea din Bucureşti
Deeds with wounded and dead journalists – a history of aggressions in the media
The present study includes a series of incidents that happened in the Romanian media starting with 1884 and which resulted in wounded and dead journalists. Most of these disputes have been based on political quarrels, as the media was highly influenced and led by politics. There were two journalists that died following such disputes. G.E. Lahovary, who died in 1897, had been the director and owner of the paper „L’independance roumaine” and was shot while dueling with the director of „Epoca” newspaper , Nicolae Filipescu. In 1904, journalist V. Finkelstein-Scânteie killed the editor-in-chief of the Iasi-based newspaper „Evenimentul”. Numerous other disputes led to duels with the sword or pistol. Plus, many newsrooms were raided and destroyed and journalists were aggressed by readers or students, on their own, or incited by political leaders. Threats and violence always focused on intimidating or eliminating opponents. Thus, starting with 1908, articles and conferences aiming to ban duels were significantly growing.
Key words: Romanian media, conflicts, threats and violence


Discursul despre francmasonerie: între publicitate şi tabloidizarea istoriei
Marcel TOLCEA, prof. univ. dr., Universitatea de Vest, Timişoara
Discourse on Freemsonery…
The hypothesis of the present study claims that freemasonery does not only represent the first form of institutional adaptation to European (universal) values, but it also represents a persuasive type of avant la lettre European discourse on tolerance, equality and solidarity. Like European discourse, masonic discourse is desiderative, quasi- advertising-like, as both European discourse and masonic discourse are ambivalent types of discourse, accomodating the national element next to the supranational (Europeanness) in non-conflictual complementariness. At the level of social communication, freemasonry is a phenomenon of quasi-total distal consistency (it is indirectly known through the press and books) as it stays closed to any curiosity (considered profane!), which arouses not only speculations, but also phantasms.  The theoretical approaches of masonic authors and as well as of the non-masonic authors who do not demonise the phenomenon might be classified through a mixed kind of epistemology as positivist mechanics joins an unbridled but credible kind of fictionality. Wherever the document is missing, historical reality becomes a palimpsest and the logic of the facts is a parthenogenetic one. At the level of the collective imaginary, masonic discourse discharges a function of the re-enchantment of the daily life, thus adding to the vertical axis of European accession a spiritual coordinate, which is absent at the other levels of the project ”Europe”. The implicit polemics of the Romanian freemasonry with their detractors lean on a type of persuasion that the advertising type of discourse calls a strategy of contagion: there is hardly any moment from Romania’s modern history in which freemasonery should have failed to be involved.
Key words: freemasonry, European discourse, social communication, publicity.

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