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Numărul 2-3/2007:
150 de pagini scrise de profesionişti, în noua ediţie a Revistei Române de Jurnalism şi Comunicare.

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Nr. 2-3 / 2007

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Impactul european al presei de minoritate (presa românilor din Ungaria)
L'impact de la presse des minorités - La presse roumaine en Hongrie

Cet étude fait partie d’un projet plus ample qui s’occupe de la culture et littérature de langue roumaine en Hongrie; on établie le contexte où s ’affirme la presse roumaine, les formes de presse (presse écrite et audio-visuelle) et, par con- séquence, les aspects particulières qui configurent une presse minoritaire , les effets de l’ impact européen sur la presse roumaine de Hongrie. Il s’ agit de l’effet linguistique , culturel et celui de la profession du journaliste, y compris une typologie des formes et des genres journalistiques pratiquées. Enfin, quelques solutions de dépasser les effets de l’ intégration européenne.
Mots cle:
presse roumaine, presse minoritaire, intégration européenne.

Instituţia presei locale în contextul integrării României în Uniunea Europeană - câteva repere
The Institution of local press within Romanian integration in the European Union- a few references
The printed press independence becomes more and more of a problem due to the generalized economical recession in Europe. There are many differences between the media markets within the European Union. While the western countries had had more than enough time, after the World War Two, to develop free and healthy media, the eastern countries, including Romania, after generations of communism, suffer of the lack of experienced well-trained journalists as much as of structural difficulties as an outcome of the process of the social-political transition. Even from the end of the last century it was seen that the public became more and more interested in the local media despite the national media. In spite of the globalization of world economics and existential problems, the individuals project their expectations for satisfying their needs in the nearest spatiality. We can state that the local pressappears as a consequence of the glo-bal overinformation. This dysfunction, a mutation of the function of media information, is optimal “exploited” by the press investors: strategies imposed by the new dimension of the mass communication have appeared – demassifications. The niche publics, the regional and local papers publics have become tar- gets of the media products. There is a strong connection between the levels of economical, social and cultural development of a departmentand the number of titles published. We can learn, after analyzing statistical data that the most press titles appear in the most economical de-veloped regions. Banat and Western Transylvania have the most daily and periodical news- papers: 54. Bucharest-Ilfov is ranked the second, with 32 titles of newspapers, the South region, Muntenia, with 31 titles, The North-East Region with 24 titles and the South-East region with 20 titles. Daily broadsheets and specialized periodicals are now competing with the national newspapers. Further on I have marked a few details of the state of the media in Piteşti in 2007. In Pitesti, in a 12 km length and 4 km width area, there are 5 daily newspapers and 4 weekly journals. I chose to analyze 4 of the local newspapers, Argeşul, Curierul Zilei, Societatea Argeşeana and Observator Argesean, because each of them represents a “model” in the market economy: Argeşul is an ex-communist newspaper , become private through the MEBO method, Curierul Zilei is part of a media trust, with widely-spread media affaires, Observator Argeşean – sustained by an influent politician and businessman in Argeş county and Societatea Argeşeana, an investment of an influent constructions business group. The case study has as objectives the appraisal, based on the publishers’ opinions, of the strongest and weakest points of the local media in Pitesti and of its specificity. The research methodology – the interviewing technique. The interview was elaborated in 2007.  Conclusions. The general image of the printed media in Argeş is dominated by “commercial recipes”, where the sensational is privileged, and everything, according to the publishers, is made for the audience and the profit. Most of the ideas converge: the local press evolved more quantitative than qualitative, “the recipe of success” remaining the same: the sensational. The local newspapers are slightly newspapers of opinion, because there are not specialized journalists or analysts and the newspaper’ s personality is heard to reveal. Among the weakest points of the media in Arges, the following are signaled:  a wide covering of acts of violence, the information quality and their lack of credibility; the economical censorship has replaced the expression censorship; the advertisement does not cover the financial needs of the media enterprise, the advertisers invest little and in a preferential affective manor; there are certain cases when the press enterprise is submitted to conflicting pressures, more stressed at the local press level due to the nearness of interests;  the interface between journalism and advertising is very fragile; the hidden advertising is the temptation of the local press journalist and encouraging or even binding the journalist to bring advertising are of daily use; the political pressures are dependent to the economical pressures, the local politicians are powerful business-men and  double players; the lack of medium and long term developing strategies; a problem of the local media market is that the public is not really known because this desire or the material resources do not exist (financial, professional) in order to help elaborate the necessary market studies. The strong points of the media in Arges can be generally appraised, stressing on the fact that they connect the local reader to the surrounding events, thus having a community communication. As a final touch: the local media in Pitesti does not accomplish its public service, it is an institution that survives throughout its other two dimensions: political and commercial and sticking it on the social responsibility coordinates somewhere between morals and business is a matter of time and managerial maturity.
Key words:
Romanian integration, European Union, media markets, local papers.

Ghid de identitate vizuală?
Odette ARHIP, Ionela Carmen TOFAN
A Guide of visual Identity?
Visual Identity Guide? Starting the past century all companies were subject to greater development simultaneously being recognized on the market not only for their products but also via their particular logos. Visual Identity Guide is a brief analysis of one of the 1st corporation campaigns. Built on a case study, the paper highlights and evaluates the elements making / that led to the creation of logo and the symbol of the corporation brand. The analysis starts with Solomon’ s Columns and goes all the may to joining / adding the hourglass – representing timelessness, all these being elements of the symbol. When talking of visual identity we clearly and straight forwardly refer to the fact that the company in discussion wants to be recognized in order to gain a reputation, stability, power and even confidence that the firm appreciates its consumers.
Key words:
logo, brand, market, symbol.


Forme ale comunicării corporative la începutul secolului XXI
Sorin George TOMA
Models of corporate communication at the beginning of the XXIst century 
Corporate communication represents one of the major concerns of business management. In 21st century, managers have fully understood the importance of corporate communication in a globalized economy. In order to gain a competitive advantage, companies are using various kinds of communication, like advertising or public relations. Today’s corporate communication is being reformulated once again by continuous technological change.
Key words: Corporate communication, organization, culture, management.

Fenomenul comunicaţional şi eco-publicitatea
Adrian Dinu RACHIERU
Le phénomène de communication et l'éco-advertising
L´étouffante opulence informationnelle de nos jours a, comme véhicule préféré, à la fois spectaculaire et insidieux, le discours publicitaire. L’illusion d’une „maîtrise” de ce frénétique comportement de consume ignore un fait essentiel: par son potentiel d’influencer, la procésation informationnelle implique (aussi) la distorsion / l’altération du message, tout en multipliant les besoins et les désires, avec de dangereux effets dans le
domaine de la pathologie sociale. Captifs de la vidéo – culture, invitant à un ritual fantasmatique, anesthésique, il faudra activer notre esprit critique pour une efficace pédagogie média. Dans ce contexte, l’écosophie (Arne Naess) pourrait être un précieux allié, par le dénoncement de l’impasse écologique et des débats publiques inflationaires, sans aucun support actionnel. En décrétant la suprématie du profite, la logique du marché est remise en question, au nom du sauvetage du patrimoine commun (Terre – patrie, d’àpres E. Morin). À cette obligatoire métamorphose de la civilisation humaine dans l’époque de la globalisation pourrait contribuer l’éco – publicité, tout en tempérant l’idéologie consumériste. Mots-clés: La société de consumation, discours culturel, culture de masse

Spaţiu comunicaţional european şi identitate politică
Viorela BUCUR
L'espace de communication européen et l'identité politique
La définir de l’identité politique de l’ Europe doit passer par la constitution d’ un sens politique de la vie en commun, qui permette la concordance avec la mondialisation. Ce qu’ il nécesite un lexique politique spécifique à la manière de construire du politique dans cet space, l’espace publique européen qu’ il peut concevoir une culture politique qu’ il peut tenir le dialogue d’ entre la diversité des identités cultulturelles. L’unité politique de l’Europe a besoin d’une culture politique capable de déterminer le dialogue d’entre les traditions politiques différentes et de créer une identité solide, une culture politique commune dans l’espace publique dominée de pluralité. La multidimensionalité des échanges et la provocation constante de l’ option visent les deux points de vue: une part, la communication politique médiatisée représente une condition de la démocratie, autre part, la communication complique, ce qu’ il ne simplifie pas. La construction politique de l’Europe suscite l’expansion de l’information et de la communication, la formation d’ une place la communicationelle commune, la formation d’ un espace qui ait comme référence et qui favorise la communication.
identité politique, communication européen, l'identité politique.

Reţeaua multiplicatorilor de informaţie europeană - strategii de comunicare
în audio-vizualul românesc

The resseau of European information multiplicators- communication strategies  in the Romanian audio-visual
The present study focuses on the dissemination of European information through radio and television broadcasts within the Romanian public system. The communication strategy adopted and implemented by the organisations that form the European Information Multiplicators’ Network has a correspondent in the strategy of programmes of the Romanian public radio and television.  The European experiences in the field could not be applied in Romania, and their imitation or copying could not be adapted to Romanian mentalities and expectations. The European Information Multiplicators’ Network, including Information Centres, non-governmental agencies, information offices within district councils and city halls, has adopted internal and external communication strategies with moderate impact on the population. The programmes of the public radio and television network have promoted these strategies and have adapted formats and structures specific to the multiplication of European information. Our study illustrates and makes an analysis of the effects of these strategies from a personal double perspective: that of the coordinator of a European information centre and that of the organiser – co-ordinator with the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company.
Key words: European information, radio, television, information multiplicators.

Interferenţe culturale în comunicarea publicitară
Mihaela CÎRNU
Cultural collisions in advertising communication
The majority of cultural, economic and political processes from the contemporary Romanian society are passing a difficult period being influenced by external factors. After 1990, the advertising from our country, has tried to copy firstly, the American model and secondly, the European one. Presently, scholars are trying a return to our authentic values in favor of fabrication. This paper presents in few pages the most important aspects of interculturality from Romanian advertising area, such as: the presentation of the advertisement and their topics (using the com- parative method), the family look, the child’ s look, the woman’ s look, the man’ s look and I also try to distinguish a classification of the two last types aforementioned.
Key words
: interculturality, advertising, advertisement, communication, Romania.

Forţa manipulativă a limbajului în comunicarea publică
The manipulative force of language in public communication
The manipulated function of the language in public communication. Postmodernism / social influence can also be described by the word power , which means to possess the ability to embrace a person/group of people to one’ s own will. Usually people who possess beauty significant sums of money, good jobs and so on will possess social influence on other , “ordinary” people. So, the people who could persuade other people into doing something are regarded superior to others who are limitated in order to describe actions or to inform about them. Manipulation is an aspect of public life in which partisans create an image or argument that favours their interests. Such tactics may include the use of logical arguments and propaganda techniques, and often involve the suppression of information or points of view by crowding them out, by inducing other people or groups of people to stop listening to certain arguments. When they are successfully, they experience a feeling of domination. Culture is comprised of all items that are reproduced and proliferated through communication in the widest sense, including unintentional transmission of information. The relationship between postmodern society and linguistic theory can be debated by a distinct element: the nature of the critique of contemporary society. J.F. Lyotard identified a feature of the postmodern age where constant change has become a status quo and the notion of progress. It is well known, that if in traditional authority, the identity resulted by using the various metanarrative speech, in postmodern society the identity results by delivering / making a power speech. The most powerful man / the most important man is always right. The postmodern view is that inter-subjective knowledge, and not objective knowledge is the dominant form of discourse such conditions, and the ubiquity of copies and dissemination fundamentally alters the relationship between reader and what is read, between observer and the observed, between those who consume and those who produce, between employ and employer . Recent research on the nature and extent of formulaicity in human language has revealed it to be a com mon and essential feature of our every day communication. Formulaic language has a number of communicative functions, of which almost all directly correspond with the manipulative socio-interactional functions observed in communication. This article reviews the main level of evolution of language identified by K.Bühler , R.Jakobson and K.Popper . We try to put the stress on what K. Popper named “manipulative function of the language”. This is considered to be the most evaluated level of the language. Our socio-interactional formulaic expressions are directed towards the physical, emotional and perceptual manipulation of the hearer . So, some commands, requests and warnings can all be expressed using fixed phrases. Manipulative messages such as commands offer a practical pay-off, and also are relatively easy to understand by observing the behavior of speaker and hearer . The function of manipulation is to change others’knowledge and, for them to be useful, the speaker must impart some information that the hearer does not possess, and could not have deduced.  Some people believe themselves incapable of achieving their goals directly, so they feel they have no choice but to listen / to follow someone’ s piece of advices in order to achieve their goals. In their turn, manipulators are sure that their manipulation will benefit those manipulated. The forms of manipulative techniques vary, but in general, manipulators try to get people’ s emotions to work against them. They do this by saying or doing something they hope will induce in them some particular emotions that motivate people to do in the same way/ to perform the same. Manipulators’ speech is fre quently laced with phrases such as: “You should. . .” “You ought to . . .” “If I were you” , “I’d . . .” “It’ s for the best, of you” and so on. They use all these and many other phrases which force people to accept their points of view.  In order to illustrate the applicative part of our article we are going to present a sequence of TV show, named “The Apprentice”. The protagonist of this show, Donald Trump, demonstrates to us how important is for a person to know to use correctly some words. We are going to analyse / to examine from the morphological, syntactical and philosophical points of view his words. They have the impact of “a magic bullet”. Here we have some of Trump’ s words which make part of / belong to his arsenal of arguments and propaganda techniques in order to convince their potential apprentice to do / to think / to action to perform like he does / just like him: “We are in the lobby of Trump Tower . It is big. I think big and I want you to think big too. (…) two top executive from Prokter & Gamble. It is one of the biggest company in the world. We can observe the importance of the word “big”. It becomes like a “laitmotiv”. We can notice that one of the apprentice, who became a project manager at one of the burden given by Trump to created a commotion/sensation to a product of tooth paste of vanilla and menthe affirmed: “They thought to organize a parade, … going to Time Square, but I will try to think a little bit bigger .” The sequence of this episode ends circular as it was beginning.  The article presents the way in which peoples can be label through words which they use to utter . In the same time, we will see how some words used adequately by people can manipulate the others. The people are stimulated vs. irritated by words. So, language / vocabulary is composed of a large gallery of words, from endearing/kind words to insulting words. Man itself has to learn to use the power of words in its advantage/benefit thus they can not become its enemy, to turn into its detriment.
Key words: manipulation, language, communication

Transferul mitic în publicitate
Elena-Mădălina MORARU
The mythical transfer in advertising
The present analysis has set itself the purpose to approach the mythical dimension of the advertising performance by identifying the specific traits of several myths: the myth of returning to the origins, the erotic myth and the heroic myth ( of the hero). Among these I have focused my attention in a special way on the last one (the heros myth) which can often be spotted in advertisements, endowed with a partially modified image in comparison to the classic perspective. The intention is to prove that advertising reactivates mythical structures which then it organizes and also allows the possibility of recognizing the old strata of significances. In this article I have shown the hypostases of the hero in advertising depending on the relations between the product and the consumer . The approach is based on examples taken from the Romanian advertising performance which represented also the basis for my reconstruction of the heros profile within the contemporary data and in the end I have underlined some of the myths features discovered inside the advertising performance. The analysis of these characteristics relies on the definition of the myth from the narrative perspective, as a sacred and  exemplary history, as it was suggested by Mircea Eliade and Claude Lévi- Strauss.
Key words
: myths, advertising, performance

Limbajul micii publicităţi şi libertatea presei locale de după 1989
Ramona-Gabriela EANA, Cristina MUNTEANU
The language of small advertising and the freedom of local press after 1989
The object of the present paper is the publicity announce. We tried to measure’ the degree of liberty in the local press after the 1989, both from the author’ s point of view and the “lecturer” ’ s vision on the subject, pointing the importance of the publicity paper for the commercial success of the Romanian local paper. We began by making the difference from the publicity and trying to show a few stylistic particularities of the text we referred to. In order to do it, we analysed the publicity announce both as an imitative text and an innovating one. So, though it is usually made up of clichés, it also has, as the researchers said, “linguistic mobility”, by bringing the new in the language. As a conclusion, we can say that both author’ s and lecturer’ s liberty seems to be limited. Even though the author appears to have full liberty to make his announce as he wishes, he is limited by financial and moral factors. He “learns” how make the announce more attractive. The “receiver” – on the other hand, seems to be free to choose from a big number of products. In fact, he is “sold” “an ideal image”, being sure that he is the one who makes the final decision. Even though, in time, he is also taught – by his experience – how to read such a text, he cannot really resist against the attraction of the perfection, ends by “choosing” exactly what the author has for sale.
Key words
: liberty, local press, imitation, innovation

Publicitate şi religie
Advertising and religion
Religion and advertising seem incompatible. However ... Religion uses advertising in great causes campaigns and sometimes formulates judgments on its ideal condition (probably in search of coherence with religion's own well-aimed campaigns). Advertising cannibalises on religion in order to make its own proposals more attracttive: divine realms (heaven), responsibility-inspiring concepts (sins), beings of existentially different justifications (devils, angels) are used - given their strong prestige- to give people incentives for purchasing.
Key words: advertising, religion, symbols

Puterea persuasivă a unor voci europene
Ruxandra BOICU
Persuasive Power Of Some European Voices
The present paper is a comparative study of the speech acts illocutionary forces emitted in discourse by three politicians associated to the European Parliament nationalist pole Ashley Mote, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Corneliu Vadim Tudor). Determined by both discourse informative content and interactional functions, persuasive power is distinguished from the political power/authority of the three politicians. After examining the comparative share of the various speech acts, according to John Searle’ s classification, it became obvious that persuasive power closely relies on political power , so that the politician who officially represents the most institutions can afford emitting the most direct speech acts and Face-Threatening Acts. Consequently, his persuasive power is significantly higher than that of the other analyzed discourses.
Key words:
discourse, nationalism, persuasion, discourses, speech.


Miturile promovate de Adevărul în perioada 1980-2000
Des mythes soutennus par Adevarul de 1980 a 2000
Le discours est aujourd’hui un sujet d’étude pour la psychologie, l’antropologie, la sociologie, la linguistique, l’histoire, le logique et pour la mathématique.  Cette analyse interdisciplinaire a des ésultats nouveaux et intéressants pour tous les domaines de recherche. Par la tradition, les elements du discours ont contenu l’objet d’étude pour le domaine de la linguistique. Dans la situation socioculturelle actuelle, la théorie du discours se complète par les études sociologiques. Ce domaine offre les plus nombreux informations sur le cadre théorétique et pour les effets de la communication de masse. L’impact du discours sur la mentalité et sur le comportement du public c’est un sujet riche pour les disciplines socio humaines. Notre abordage sur le discours littéraire et journalistique pour la période 1989-2000, sur « La Vérité » respectera la principe de la interdisciplinarité dans le domaine du recherche. Cet étape (1989- 2000) et « La Vérité » montrent l’évolution de la mentalité roumaine.
 : Le discourse, la communication de masse, analyse interdisciplinaire

Analiza pieţei forţei de muncă în domeniul resurselor umane
prin portalurile e-HR
Georgeta DRULĂ, Elena IFTIME, Cosmina-Adriana MIHAI
The analysis of labor market within human resources through e-HR portals
This study shows the situation of human resources labour market presented on the HR portals. The Internet and the HR portals are useful support for selection and recruitment, but we can see that this process is not specialized and is not in agreement with Romanian standards.
Key words
: portal, human resouces, new technologies

Psihologia mass-media şi „profeţiile autoîmplinite”, în discursul politic

The psychology of mass- media and self fullfilling prophecies  in the public discourse  
The present paper starts from an ingenious constructivist and psycho-sociological concept of self-prophecies. This certain conception was mentioned before in some of P. Watzlawick and S. Moscovici’ s studies. Our thesis is that self-prophecies designate not only the field of “conflictology” but the political discourse as well, since this type of speech is usually filled up with self-prophecies which come true only because they have been uttered. Analyzing the journalistic comments that appeared during the president Basescu’ s suspension by the Romanian Parliament, we have been able to depict another feature of the self-prophecies, in addition to a messianic attitude and an axiomatic value. This is a major predictive means, which we call “the fake self- prophecy”, characterized by purely rhetorical statements, foresighted mental stereotypes etc.
Key words
: discourse, politics, prediction

Stereotipuri de gen în revistele pentru copii din România
Les stéréothypes de gendre dans les magazines pour enfants
L’étude “Les stéréotypes de genre dans les revues roumaines pour enfants” analyse les six plus importantes publications périodiques qui s’adressent aux enfants entre 5 et 12 ans. L’analyse vise tant le niveau iconique (photos, dessins) que linguistique (textes, devinettes,mots croisés etc.) et se propose de découvrir la façon don’t ces revues modélisent le comportement des jeunes enfants. Le principal constat qui s’impose est que ces revues font appel a une genrisation excessive (sexualisation excessive des petites filles dans Barbie ou Louise, accentuation de l’agressivité des jeunes garçons etc) et que les acteurs masculins dépassent quantitativement aussi bien que qualitativement les personnages féminins.
Mots-clés: gendre, stereothypes, enfants, magazines

Inundaţiile din România în discursul presei comuniste şi în cel al presei comerciale: din 1970 în 2005
The floods from Romania in the discourse of the communist press and of the commercial press from 1970 in 2005
Within this study we have investigated the way media acted during situations of crisis. Our analysis focused on the floods that took place in 1970 and in 2005 and on their mediatic representations. 
Key words:
mediatic representations, floods, discourse


Triunghiul, jurnal al Masoneriei române (Mangalia, 1880-1883)
The triangle, the journal of Romanian Freemasonery (Mangalia, 1880-1883)
This study focuses on the Romanian publication, The Triangle, published in 1880 in Bucharest. Betweend 1882-1883, it appered at Mangalia under the guide of  C. Moroiu (1837-1916), “Grand Maître” of the Great National Lodge.
Keywords: historical study, masonery, media, Romania.

Aspecte ale Legii Presei din 1974
Information on the Law of the Press from 1974
The analysis of the publication Our Press (1956-1989), the only magazine of professional culture dedicated to journalists in Romania, brought to light aspects on the attitude of communist journalists and party members towards press legislation. Several interviews revealed the creation of a Law was seen at that time as a new restriction upon journalists, who already had to face the regime’ s censorship. One of the key interviewers was Cornel Burticã, at that time secretary of the Central Committee (C.C.) in charge with propaganda, who had proposed the Law, in 1973. The former C.C. member said Elena Ceausescu wanted to arrest dissident journalists who expressed their concerns about her influence, and so he created a Law that would tell what are journalists supposed to write or not. Cornel Burticã’ s idea that the Law was a protection measure for journalists is contested by one of the four lawyers who participated at the Law’ s writing process. Sergiu Andon, former journalist for Scânteia and currently president of the Parliament’ s Law Commission, said it was more of a simulation of democracy that helped Ceausescu’ s image in the West.  Whatever the complete version of the story, the Law got to the Great Commission (Marea Adunare) and was approved in 1974, after numerous projects that have failed. Sergiu Andon remembered the jokes made in the day of the vote, being still superstitious to think there couldn’ t be a new Romanian Press Law without the resignation of the prime-minister, because the Romanian Law history proved so each time. That same they, one of the key party members, Prime Minister Maurer , resigned.  Although the Law was repealed de facto in 1989, it continued to work de jure until 1996. After the events in December , the new installed government initiated a Law project that was contested by former communist journalists. Many of them refuse even today the idea of legislation in their work field.
press legislation, communist journalists.


Specificités methodologiques et thématiques dans les études de genre
Daniela Rovenţa FRUMUŞANI
Specificités methodologiques et thématiques dans les études de genre 
Au début du troisième millénaire, un questionnement de la catégorie femme amorce une réflexion légitime non seulement sur l’identité et les valeurs féminines, mais aussi sur des valeurs universelles telles”empowerment”, recomposition identitaire, facilitation du relationnel, de l’échange, de la communication (autrement dit valorisation de l’expérience, des histories de vie, en complément à l’expertise et à la compétitivité concurrentielle). Mots-clés: stéréothypes, études feminstes, l'identité féminine

Limitele spaţiului public în societatea democratică
The boundaries of public space in democratic society
The main objective of our article is to show how the concept of immorality can be defined using the concepts of public sphere developed by Jürgen Habermas and the concept of “justice as fairness” developped by John Rawls. In the first part of our paper we concentrate on the key aspects in the historical evolution of the concept of “public sphere”. This will help us define it and then use it as a tool in definig it as the “space of morality”. In the second part of our article we will examine one of the most famos attempts of constructing a moral theory for a pluralistic and deliberative democracy: the rawlsian theory of justice as fairness. As we shall see, the concept of “public sphere” is crucial here because this the space where we can apply the rawlsian moral concept of justice as fairness. This investigation will lead to the conclusion that from the poit of view of the moral theory examined in the second part we have to be “morally schizophrenic”: following on type of rules in the public sphere and a completely dif-ferend one in the private space. This result will hep us determine in the end of our article whether the fact that the rasial comments that our president Traian Basescu has made in his private space appeared in the public sphere should lead us to the conclusion that his behaviour is immoral.
: public sphere, (im)morality, democracy



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