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Texte scrise de profesionişti, în noua ediţie a Revistei Române de Jurnalism şi Comunicare.

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Transparency in the era of the Internet. Internet Service Providers – the new gatekeepers of communication

Revista romana de jurnalism si comunicare, nr. 2 (48), an X (XIV), 2015

rubrica: Communication

pagini: 33-42


The infrastructure of the Internet, composed of Internet Service Providers (ISP) and their global interconnections, illustrates a series of technical capacities which have the potential of infringing the aforementioned freedoms. In an effort to suggest future policy research directions that might help protect online communication, including online media, from undue restrictions and constrains, the current paper follows the methodology of a current cross European research on digital infrastructure. Set in the paradigm of transparency, the paper examines the methodological potential of the aforementioned initiative to offer relevant insights for the understanding of Internet-related communication constrains. In this sense, the authors will explain the investigative structure proposed by the project and will offer arguments concerning the potential for secondary analysis of the resulting data sets.

cuvinte cheie

Ownership, media, digital infrastructure, Internet, freedom of information

rezumat (a doua limbă):

L'infrastructure de l'Internet, composé de fournisseurs de services Internet (FSI) et de leurs interconnexions mondiales, illustre une série de capacités techniques qui sont susceptibles de porter atteinte aux libertés d’expression et accès à l’information. Au but de proposer des orientations de recherche futures des politiques qui pourraient aider à protéger les communications en ligne, y compris des médias en ligne, des restrictions et contraints indues, le présent document suit la méthodologie d'une recherche pan-européenne sur les infrastructures digitales.

cuvinte cheie (a doua limbă):

Possession, médias, infrastructure digital, Internet, la liberté d'information

 Accredited Publication by the National Council of
 Higher Education Scientific Research (code 779), as B+, and indexed full text by EBSCO and ProQuest.

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