accesul la acest articol se face pe bază de abonement
Georgiana Andreea DRĂGAN
Trickster representations in advertising
Revista romana de jurnalism si comunicare, nr. 2-3 (55), an XII (XVI), 2017
rubrica: Media, religion and popular culture
pagini: 66-77
The archetype of trickster can easily be found
in literature, cartoons, comic books or movies. The
trickster entered the popular culture, coming from
mythology and religion and nowadays it becomes
such a popular figure, part of our everyday life.
The aim of this paper is to analyze the trickster
representations in advertising and the way this
character persuades and seduces its targets, using its
super powers: humor, irony or illusion.
cuvinte cheie
Trickster, advertising, thematic analyses, popular culture, religion
rezumat (a doua limbă):
L’archétype du trickster (le filou) peut facilement
être trouvé dans la littérature, les dessins animés, les
bandes dessinées ou les films. Le trickster est venu de
la mythologie et de la religion et est entré dans la
culture populaire, de sorte qu’aujourd’hui, il devient
une figure si populaire, un élément si important de
notre vie quotidienne.
cuvinte cheie (a doua limbă):
Trickster, publicité, analyse thématique, culture populaire, religion
Accredited Publication by the National Council of
Higher Education Scientific Research (code 779), as B+, and indexed full text by EBSCO and ProQuest. |