

Numărul 3-4 /2012:
Texte scrise de profesionişti, în noua ediţie a Revistei Române de Jurnalism şi Comunicare.

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Florica IUHAŞ

Ceremonial in the Current Cultural Anthropology - Media Influences

Revista romana de jurnalism si comunicare, nr. 1 (34), an VI (X), 2011

rubrica: Media Anthropology

pagini: 20-28


Extensive ritual research, through the examination of different schools of thought or through the disciplines that assumed it, has led to generating a rich literature on the subject, which accumulated various approaches of disarming complexity around the ritual concept. As specially elaborated cultural creations, in whose scheme the sequential acts play their own logic and in which words carry particular meanings and objects a multitude of significances, the rites represent today a dimension that belongs at the same time to anthropology, psychology, sociology, journalism, history or to other sciences that “have the courage” to methodologically inquire such a rich and complex field of study. The proliferation of new lifestyles in postrevolutionary Romania, the emergence of social categories oriented towards novel, exclusivist occupations which draw the direct and immediate attention of media consumers: local barons, media moguls, drug dealers, mafia leaders, stars from the entertainment industry, have reshaped and directed the patterns of performance, understanding and hypostatization of ritual events towards the loisir, which is embraced by a growing number of individuals desiring social identification with “models” promoted by the mass media. This research looks into models of ritual performance belonging to the higher class, in order to determine the relationship between lifestyle, mass-media and specific ritual behaviour

cuvinte cheie

Rituals, anthropology, performance, mass media

rezumat (a doua limbă):

Une vaste recherche sur les rituels – consistant dans l’examen de différentes écoles de pensée ou des disciplines qui l’ont assumée – a généré une riche littérature sur ce sujet, qui a accumulé des approches diverses, caractérisées par une complexité désarmante en ce qui concerne le concept du rituel.umanie d’après 1989, l’émergence des catégories sociales orientées vers des occupations nouvelles et exclusivistes, qui attirent l’attention directe et immédiate des consommateurs media – les barons locaux, les magnats des medias, les dealers de drogues, les leaders de la mafia, les stars de l’industrie du divertissement – ont remodelé et dirigé les modèles de célébration, compréhension et représentation des événements rituels vers le loisir, qui est à présent adopté par un nombre croissant d’individus qui souhaitent s’identifier avec les «modèles» promus par les mass media. Cette étude examine des modèles de célébration rituelle appartenant à la haute société, afin de déterminer la relation entre le style de vie, les mass media et les comportements rituels particuliers.

cuvinte cheie (a doua limbă):

Rituels, anthropologie, mode de vie nouvelle, célébration

 Accredited Publication by the National Council of
 Higher Education Scientific Research (code 779), as B+, and indexed full text by EBSCO and ProQuest.

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