

Publication edited by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies (University of Bucharest)

Instructions for authors

Editorial Board


subscription based access article


Postmodernism Explained to Students

Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication, issue 1 (38), year VII (XI), 2012

section: Essay

pages: 69-76


Our contribution substantiates that Postmo - dernism turned out to be a peculiar concept devoid of a specific empirical field. On a speculative level, Post modernity - usually confused with Postmodernism - was perceived as a post-metaphysical and as a panlinguistic age and therefore it was hardly conceivable without continental post-structuralism. Roughly speaking, the term mainly referred to a radical departure from both high modernism and the post World War II European neo-experimentalism and neoavant-gardes.


Postmodernism/post modernity, beyond modernity, past-post-modernism, post-metaphysical, panlinguisti

abstract (second language):

Nos propos portent sur un concept particulier, dépourvu d’un champ empirique propre: le postmodernisme. Pour ce qui est de son niveau strictement spéculatif, la postmodernité - fréquem - ment confondue avec le postmodernisme - nous apparaît rétrospectivement comme un âge culturel post-métaphysique et avant tout pan linguistique, compréhensible surtout grâce au système de référence du poststructuralisme de source gallique. Tout compte fait, on peut en conclure que le terme Postmodernisme renvoie au moment où les néo expérimentalismes et le néo avant-gardes euro - péennes, prennent irrévocablement fin.

keywords (second language):

Postmodernisme/postmodernité, post-métaphy - sique, pan linguistique, poststructuralisme.

 Accredited Publication by the National Council of
 Higher Education Scientific Research (code 779), as B+, and indexed full text by EBSCO and ProQuest.

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