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Georgiana Andreea DRĂGAN
The faces of a modern trickster: Fake doctor Matteo Politi’s story in Romanian media landscape
Romanian Journal of Journalism and Communication, issue 1 (61), year XV (XIX), 2020
section: Journalism
pages: 63-73
This paper treats how media presented the
particular case of Mr. Matteo Politi, an Italian’ fake`
plastic surgeon, who practiced medicine in Romanian
medical private system. The aim of this paper is to
see if Matteo Politi was portrayed as a trickster in
Romanian media landscape and what were the frames
used by the public and by the media when discussing
the case of Politi. The main research questions taken
into consideration were:
1. what are the frames used by the journalists
and the public when discussing the subject of Politi.
2. what are the differences and similarities
between public and media frames?
3. how do they reflect the archetype of trickster?
To analyze this, I`ll use qualitative content analysis,
applied on two online news websites (adevărul.ro
and hotnews.ro) analyzing first, the articles written by
the journalists, and then the comments of the readers.
Trickster, archetype, fake doctor, Romania
abstract (second language):
Cet article est consacre a la presentation dans les
media roumaines du cas du ci-dit „docteur” Matteo
Politi; celui-ci practiquait la chirurgie plastique et
avait une grosse clientelle dans des cliniques prives.
L’objectif de cet article est de prouver que les medias
et les lecteurs qui avait laisse leur commentaires sur
le forums des publications online ont interprete le cas
du faux-docteur dans les cadres de l’archetype du
trickster. J’ai utilise l’analyse de contenu qualitative
et l’interpretation hermeneutique afin d’identifier les
themes dominants dans les article de presse et dans
les commentaires. J’ai identifie trois themes majeurs,
integres dans l’archetype du trickster: le tricheur, celui
qui se construit une identite fausse, l’anomalie du
keywords (second language):
Trickster, archétype, faux médecin, Roumanie
Accredited Publication by the National Council of
Higher Education Scientific Research (code 779), as B+, and indexed full text by EBSCO and ProQuest. |